Haryana General Knowledge For HSSC – Haryana Current Gk
Here you will read the most important questions about Haryana Current Gk that are mostly asked in recent Haryana State Exma like HSS, HPSC, HTET and Haryana Police.
Latest Haryana GK and Current Affairs – Haryana Current Gk
Q1. How many districts were there when Haryana was formed? Ans– Seven
Q2. Population of Haryana as per 2011 Census is– Ans– 25,351,462
Q3. Which is the largest city in population? Ans– Faridabad
Q4. Largest city area-wise? Ans– Bhiwani with area 5,140 sq km.
Q5. Which is/are the official languages of Haryana?
Ans-Official Languages – Hindi / Punjabi, Local Language – Haryanvi ( Dialect )
Q6. Which district is known as Sripad Janapad? Ans– Kurukshetra
Q7. When did Mahmood Gajnabi attack Thaneshwar? Ans– AD 1014
Q8. Who had launched Sandesh Weekly Magazine? Ans– Nekiram Sharma
Q9. Who was the Freedom fighter who later became the CM of the State? Ans- Ch Devilal
Q10. Which city is not the Part of Panchkula Police Commissionerate? Ans– Ambala
Q11. Which district is known as Srikantha? Ans– Kurukshetra
Q12. Who was the ruler of Rewari at the time of Mughal Emperor Akbar? Ans– Hemchandra ( Hemu )
Q13. In which district has the Ashoka’s Topra Stambha found? Ans– Ambala
Q14. What is the script of Ashoka Stambha? Ans– Brahmi
Q15. After whose name was Kurukshetra christened? Ans– King Kuru
Q16. At which place of District Bhiwani does the Baba Kherewala’s fair take place at Raksha Bandhan? Ans– Naurangabad
Q17. How many villages are there in Haryana? Ans– 6,841
Q18. No of Tehsils, Sub-tehsils, Blocks and cities and towns in Haryana– Ans– Tehsils – 83, Sub-tehsils – 47, Blocks – 126, Cities and towns – 154
Q19. How many districts were there at the time of Haryana’s Birth? Ans– Only 7
Q20. Which district of Haryana is known as the Bowl of Rice? Ans- Karnal
Q21. Who is known as the Architect of Bhakhra Dam? Ans- Ch Chhotu Ram
Q22. When did Haryana Punjab Boundary Commission come into existence? Ans– 20th April 1966
Q23. Who was bestowed with the Title of Haryana Kesari? Ans– Nekiram Sharma
Q24. Who is known as Haryana’s Iron man? Ans– Ch Bansilal
Q25. Who is Haryana’s humorous poet? Ans– Surender Sharma
Q26. The Tomb of Chalis Hafiz is situated in – Ans– Hisar
Q27. When did the famous Battle of Panipat between Akbar and Hemu take place? Ans– In 1556
Q28. When did Mehmood Gajnabi attack Thanesar? Ans– In 1014
Q29. Who had discovered Indus Valley Civilization? Ans- R.S. Bist
Q30. At what place of Haryana, the Mutiny of 1857 began? Ans– Ambala Cantonment
Q31. Who was the Nawab of Bahadurgarhat the time of 1857 Mutiny?Ans– Mohan Singh
Q32. Who had led Patodi during 1857 Mutiny? Ans– Akbar Ali
Q33. From which district of Haryana was Gandhi arrested on 30th July 1919? Ans– Hisar
Q34. Ghaghar Yamuna Doab is divided into two parts namely- Ans- Bangar and Khadar
Q35.The height of Shivalik Mountains varies from- Ans- 900 to 2,300 Metres
Q36. The height of Aravallis Mountains varies from- Ans- 200 to 500 Metres.
Q37. How many lakes are there in Haryana – Ans- 6
Q38. Name the 6 lakes in Haryana- Ans- Bibipur, Najaphgarh, Badkhal, Karan, Jahajgarh, Sultanpur
Q39. When were all the villages of the state electrified? Ans- By Nov 1970
Q40. Who has won Bronze in Women Wrestling at Rio Olympic and became the first wrestler to win Olympic Medals and Fourth Women of India to win Medal? Ans- Sakshi Malik
Q41. Who is the constitutional Head of the State Government?
(A) Governor (B) Chief Minister (C) Chief Justice of India (D) None of the above (Ans:A)
Q42. The chairman of the state public service commission in appointed by—
(A) President (B) Prime Minister (C) Chief Minister (D) Governor (Ans:D)
Q43. At the time of appointing the judges of The High Court—
(A) President takes the advice of Chief Minister (B) President takes the advice of Chief Justice
(C) President consults the Governor (D) President works on his own judgement own (Ans:C)
Q44. In whose name is the budget of the next financial year produced in the state Legislative Assembly?
(A) In the name of the President (B) In the name of the Prime Minister
(C) In the name of the Chairman of Legislative Assembly (D) None of these (Ans:A)
Q45. In which article of the Indian Constitution is the provision of the State Public Service Commission?
(A) Article-315 (B) Article-317 (C) Article-319 (D) Article-323 (Ans:A)
Q46. Governor appoints the District Magistrate—
(A) With the consent of the Central Govt. (B) With the consent of President
(C) With the consent of Prime Minister (D) With the consent of the council of Ministers the state
Q47. Whom among the following has the Governor no right to appoint?
(A) Chief Minister (B) Members of the State Public Service Commission
(C) Judges of the State High Court (D) Advocate General (Ans:C)
Q48. Kalpna Chawla died in the space mission on—
(A) 1st Jan, 2003 (B) 5th Feb, 2003 (C) 3rd Feb, 2003 (D) 1st Feb,2003 (Ans:D)
Q49. The first state of the country where all the village are electrified—The first state of the country where all the village are electrified—
(A) Orissa (B) Punjab (C) Haryana (D) Himachal Pradesh (Ans:C)
Q50. Where is the Headquarters of Mahendargarh district in Haryana?
(A) Narnaul (B) Karnal (C) Kaithal (D) Bhiwani (Ans:A)
For More Haryana Current GK & Current Affairs:-
Download HSSC Mock Test With Answer Key HSSC Important Questions – HSSC परीक्षा में पूछे गए महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न
Read More Latest Changes in Haryana gk – Haryana Current Gk Updates |
Haryana GK in Hindi |
Haryana Current Affair |
Haryana GK in English |
HSSC Mock Test & Question Paper |
Haryana at a Glance (हरियाणा एक नज़र में) |
Updates of Haryana Gk- Daily Updates of haryana current gk |
List of State Highways in Haryana – हरियाणा के राज्य-राजमार्गों की सूचि
Sir can we download the gk parts please tell
no but you can screenshot them…
Gr8 work
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It is very good to learn general awareness around us and it gives us more knowledge regarding haryana .
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inforomative material
sir pls upload in pdf form
largest city area wise is faridabad not bhiwani
Very useful post
Pls give more questions …… Useful
Very useful