Haryana Government department wise website list
Haryana is a State in the northern region of India with 22 districts and is the nation’s seventeenth most popular. The State borders with Punjab and Himachal Pradesh to the north and Rajasthan to the west and south. The river Yamuna defines its eastern border with Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. Haryana also surrounds Delhi on three sides, forming the northern, western and southern borders of Delhi.
Here is the list of departmentt wise haryana government web portal available for you. Citizens of Haryana can make use facilities offered by government online from the following websites –
SNo | Name of the Department | URL of the Website |
1 | Haryana Government State Portal | https://haryana.gov.in |
2 | Electronic and IT Department Haryana | http://haryanait.gov.in |
3 | Directorate of Horticulture | http://hortharyana.gov.in |
4 | Technical Education Department | http://techeduhry.gov.in |
5 | Department of Environment | http://harenvironment.gov.in |
6 | ESI | http://hryesi.gov.in |
7 | Raj Bhavan | http://haryanarajbhavan.gov.in |
8 | Haryana State Legal Services Authority | http://hslsa.gov.in |
9 | Animal Husbandry | http://pashudhanharyana.gov.in |
10 | Vigilance Department | http://haryanavigilance.gov.in |
11 | Welfare of SC and BC | http://haryanascbc.gov.in/ |
12 | Civil Aviation | http://haraviation.gov.in |
13 | Archaeology and Musems Department | http://archaeologyharyana.nic.in |
14 | Haryana Institute of Public Administration | https://hipaco.in/ |
15 | Department of Economic and Statistical Analysis | http://esaharyana.gov.in |
16 | Fisheries Department | http://harfish.gov.in |
17 | Revenue and Disaster Management Department | http://revenueharyana.gov.in |
18 | Rural Development Department | http://haryanarural.gov.in |
19 | Public Relations and Cultural Affairs Haryana | http://prharyana.gov.in |
20 | Forest Department | http://haryanaforest.gov.in/ |
21 | Registrar Cooperative Societies | http://rcsharyana.gov.in |
22 | Supplies and Disposal | http://dsndharyana.gov.in |
23 | Prison Department Haryana | http://haryanaprisons.gov.in/ |
24 | Haryana State Seeds Certification Agency | http://hssca.org.in |
25 | Housing Board Haryana | http://hbh.gov.in/ |
26 | Development and Panchayat Haryana | http://haryanadp.gov.in |
27 | ITI Haryana | http://itiharyana.gov.in |
28 | Treasuries & Accounts Department | http://www.hrtreasuries.gov.in |
29 | HAFED | http://hafed.gov.in |
30 | Archives Department | http://haryanaarchives.gov.in |
31 | Department of Sanik and Ardh Sainik Welfare | http://www.sainikwelfareharyana.gov.in |
32 | Department of Elementary Education | http://harprathmik.gov.in |
33 | Ayush Department | http://ayushharyana.gov.in |
34 | Art and Cultural Affairs Department | http://artandculturalaffairshry.gov.in |
35 | Directorate of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises | http://msme.haryana.gov.in |
36 | Haryana Gau Seva Aayog | http://hargauseva.gov.in |
37 | Women and Child Development Department | http://wcdhry.gov.in |
38 | State Council of Educational Research and Training | http://scertharyana.gov.in |
39 | Department of Architecture, Haryana | http://architecturehry.gov.in |
40 | Department of New and Renewable Energy Haryana | http://hareda.gov.in |
41 | State Finance Commission | http://sfc.haryana.gov.in |
42 | ENVIS Hub (Environmental Information System) Environment and Climate Change, Haryana | http://envis.haryana.gov.in |
43 | State Wetland Authority Haryana | http://swa.haryana.gov.in |
44 | Department of School Education | http://schooleducationharyana.gov.in |
45 | Environment and Climate Change Department Haryana | http://hrccc.harenvironment.gov.in |
46 | Haryana State Biodiversity Board | http://sbb.haryanaforest.gov.in |
47 | Swarna Jayanti Environment Training Institute, Manesar, Gurugram | http://sjeti.haryana.gov.in |
48 | Social Justice and Empowerment Department | http://socialjusticehry.gov.in |
49 | Haryana Right to Service Commission | http://haryana-rtsc.gov.in |
50 | Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Haryana | http://haryanafood.gov.in |
51 | Finance Department Haryana | http://finhry.gov.in |
52 | State Police Complaint Authority Haryana | http://spcahry.nic.in |
53 | Haryana Forest Development Corporation Limited | http://hfdc.gov.in |
54 | Development of Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Audit CAMPA | http://campa.haryanaforest.gov.in |
55 | AB-HHPA State Health Authority | http://ayushmanbharat.haryana.gov.in |
56 | CRID Haryana | http://crid.haryana.gov.in/a> |
57 | HSIIDC | http://hsiidc.org.in |
58 | State Transport Department | http://hartrans.gov.in |
59 | State Election Commission Haryana | http://secharyana.gov.in |
60 | Panchkula Metropolitan Development Authority | http://pmdahry.org.in |
61 | Haryana Parivar Suraksha Nyas | http://hpsn.haryana.gov.in |
62 | Haryana Shehri Vikas Pradhikaran | http://hsvphry.org.in |
63 | Transport Department Haryana | http://haryanatransport.gov.in |
64 | Haryana Lokayukta | http://hrlokayukta.gov.in |
65 | Department of Sports & Youth Affairs, Govt. of Haryana | http://haryanasports.gov.in |
66 | Mewat Development Agency, Nuh | http://mda.nic.in |
67 | Haryana Urdu Akademi, Government of Haryana | http://haryanaurdu.nic.in |
68 | Shivalik Development Agency, Government of Haryana | http://sda.gov.in |
69 | Haryana State Disaster Management Authority (HSDMA),Government of Haryana | http://hdma.gov.in |
70 | Haryana Public Service Commission | http://hpsc.gov.in |
71 | Irrigation & Water Resources Department,Government of Haryana | http://hid.gov.in |
72 | Public Works Department (Buildings & Roads),Government of Haryana | http://haryanapwd.gov.in |
73 | Haryana Vidhan Sabha | https://haryanaassembly.gov.in |
Note- List provided here is for the purpose of making students and citizens of Haryana aware about the digital facilities provided by the government of Haryana. Original Source of information provided is https://haryana.gov.in/ .
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